Senator Udall Op-Eds from the Summit Daily and the Coloradoan

Senator Udall visited the site of last year’s Crystal Fire and created the above video about wildfire preparedness.



In case you missed it, I wanted you to see the forest health/forest industry Op-Eds that Senator Udall had in the Summit Daily and Coloradoan  this week.

Coloradoan: Op-ed: Manage forests better to cut risk, boost economy

6:40 PM, May. 16, 2012  |   Comments

Sen. Mark Udall

As our wildland firefighters work to contain the Hewlett Fire and others around Colorado, they draw attention to the state of our forests and what we can do to help keep them healthy. Last weekend, I joined community members to plant trees on the site of 2011’s Crystal Fire, which burned 3,000 acres and destroyed 13 homes in western Larimer County. But even as we rebuild our forests for future generations, we must bear in mind that effective forest management is more than simply planting trees.

From the Eastern Plains to the Western Slope, Coloradans everywhere enjoy our stunning scenery, but those very same Coloradans also have seen what I have: tree stands decimated by bark beetles and drought. The way we have managed our forests in the past has a dark side. Fires such as Crystal, Hayman, Fourmile Canyon and the Lower North Fork were cautionary red flags that have blazed images in our recent memory.

Those experiences and the stories I have heard underline why we need a strong, balanced approach to forest management. In order to foster better management practices and to protect the people of Colorado, I have been focused on three issues:

First, ensuring the U.S. Forest Service and other land managers continue removing beetle-killed trees from high-risk areas, including around residential areas, roads, trailheads, campgrounds and power lines. Unfortunately, even this basic work will take more than 20 years at current funding levels.

Second, supporting efforts to thin overgrown stands of green trees and remove ground fuels in areas near communities, including by encouraging homeowners to remove brush and other flammable materials in the 100-foot-perimeter “Home Ignition Zone.” When done the right way, these forest-management activities can restore habitat and reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire.

Finally, fostering better markets and policies for reliable local wood materials and the businesses that use them. There are limited dollars to pay contractors to cut down and dispose of trees from bark beetle and thinning projects, but traditional and entrepreneurial businesses can use this wood to create jobs and revenue if we solve problems with infrastructure and supply.

One possible new use for these trees is as a source of clean, renewable energy. Buildings all over the state are being built or retrofitted to cleanly burn local wood chips for energy. Northern Colorado has several great examples. Colorado State University is heating part of their Foothills Campus with a boiler that runs on wood chips harvested from nearby beetle-kill and wildfire mitigation projects, and the Salvation Army Camp in Estes Park uses wood cleared from its own wildfire mitigation projects to run a new wood boiler system for its 8,600-square-foot dining hall, saving this nonprofit thousands of dollars a year in heating costs. Elsewhere in the state, plans are in the works for woody biomass electricity plants — one in Gypsum and one in Pagosa Springs — that would each produce up to 10 megawatts of electricity. These projects are small-scale and were planned with forest health in mind so they will have a locally sustainable wood supply.

Beyond these energy projects, traditional sawmills, such as those in Montrose, Fort Collins and Saguache, also can benefit from this new approach to forest management. The Montrose sawmill, for example, can produce a large quantity of lumber from beetle-killed trees. That wood, from Colorado forests and milled in Montrose, already has been used on the Front Range to frame new home construction. The U.S. Forest Service made a great decision last fall when, at my urging, they offered sawmills the opportunity to “mutually cancel” and renegotiate old, overvalued timber sales contracts. That decision was critical to saving many rural jobs and retaining those sawmills as a core part of our forest-management infrastructure.

This three-part approach will not only help rejuvenate our forests, but it also will add momentum to Colorado’s recovering economy. I am an eternal optimist, and with a smart approach to forest management and some homegrown ingenuity, we can transform the bark beetle and forest health problem into economic growth.

Mark Udall is a Democrat senator from Colorado.

Summit Daily: Udall: A balanced approach to forest management

By Sen. Mark Udall

Colorado’s forests are the foundation of our way of life in our state. They supply our drinking water, shelter our wildlife and are the base for the scenery and recreational opportunities that define our quality of life. Those are just a few reasons why we need to do more to preserve these living monuments in our state.

Effective forest management is more than simply planting trees. Most Coloradans enjoy our stunning scenery, but those very same Coloradans have also seen what I have: tree stands decimated by bark beetle and drought. The way we have managed our forests in the past has a dark side. Fires such as Missionary Ridge, Hayman, Fourmile Canyon and the Lower North Fork were cautionary red flags that have blazed images in our recent memory.

Those experiences and the stories I have heard underline why we need a strong, balanced approach to forest management. In order to foster better management practices and to protect the people of Colorado, I have been focused on three issue areas:

First, ensuring the U.S. Forest Service and other land managers continue removing beetle-killed trees from high-risk areas, including around residential areas, roads, trailheads, campgrounds and power lines. Unfortunately, even this basic work will take over 20 years at current funding levels.

Second, supporting efforts to thin overgrown stands of green trees and remove ground fuels in areas near communities, including by encouraging homeowners to remove brush and other flammable materials in the 100 feet perimeter “Home Ignition Zone.” When done the right way, these forest-management activities can restore habitat and reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfire.

Finally, fostering better markets and policies for reliable local wood materials and the businesses that use them. There are limited dollars to pay contractors to cut down and dispose of trees from bark beetle and thinning projects, but traditional and entrepreneurial businesses can use this wood to create jobs and revenue if we solve problems with infrastructure and supply.

One possible new use for these trees is as a source of clean, renewable energy. Buildings all over the state are being built or retrofitted to cleanly burn wood chips or pellets for heat. One great example is the new school in Fairplay, where community leaders reduced their heating costs by two-thirds because they built a new wood biomass boiler that uses local timber from restoration and wildfire-reduction projects. Plans are also in the works for small woody biomass electricity plants in the state — one in Gypsum and one in Pagosa Springs — that would each produce up to 10 megawatts of electricity. These projects are small-scale and were planned with forest health in mind so they will have a locally sustainable wood supply.

Beyond these energy projects, existing sawmills in Colorado, such as those in Montrose, Delta and Saguache, also can benefit from this new approach to forest management. In fact, it’s been said that the most economical projects “have a wood chip riding on the back of a two-by-four.”

This model can and does work. The Montrose sawmill, for example, can produce lumber from beetle-killed trees. That wood, from Colorado forests and milled in Montrose, already has been used in Denver to frame new home construction. The U.S. Forest Service made a great decision last fall when, at my urging, they offered sawmills the opportunity to “mutually cancel” and renegotiate old, overvalued timber sales contracts. That decision was critical to saving many rural jobs and retaining those sawmills as a core part of our forest-management infrastructure.

This three-part approach will not only help rejuvenate our forests, but it will also add momentum to Colorado’s recovering economy. I am an eternal optimist, and with a smart approach to forest management and some home-grown ingenuity, we can transform the bark beetle and forest health problem into economic growth.

Mark Udall is the senior U.S. senator from Colorado.

Video Introduction to Sustainable Forest Bioenergy Available

Video Introduction to Sustainable Forest Bioenergy
The Forest Guild and the Pinchot Institute for Conservation are pleased to announce a new website presenting a series of videos about forest biomass harvest and retention guidelines.  These guidelines detail how forest biomass can be harvested and utilized for energy while protecting the habitat, soils, water, and future of the forest.  Each of the videos focuses on common questions about forest biomass harvesting guidelines from a different perspective: forest management, conservation, policy, or renewable energy production.  Landowners, foresters, loggers, policymakers, conservationists, energy producers, and others can benefit from an easy to understand guide to sustainable forest bioenergy.  The website also features a library of detailed technical guidelines for forest biomass retention and harvesting by state, region, and country.  The website was made possible through the generous support of the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

For more information, contact Zander Evans ( or Brian Kittler (
View all the videos:

A Wildfire Message from U.S. Senator Mark Udall

From: U.S. Senator Mark Udall

Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 5:20

Subject: Be prepared for wildfire

Dear Fellow Coloradan,The wildfire season is off to an early and devastating start in Colorado. In the past few weeks, we have seen tragic fires, including the Lower North Fork Fire in Jefferson County and the Heartstrong Fire on the plains of Yuma County. And with Colorado State University climatologists estimating drought conditions in 98 percent of our state, it is even more important for Coloradans to help prevent and be prepared for wildfire. I encourage you to take these three proactive steps to protect your homes and communities from wildfire:

1.     Recreate ResponsiblyErr on the side of caution. Don’t leave campfires unattended, think before doing anything that could cause a spark in the backcountry and avoid outdoor burning. Be aware of fire risk by watching for posted warnings, and take responsibility for obeying restrictions in your area.

2.     Prepare Your Property for Fire: If you live in a high-risk area, you can take precautionary steps to protect your home from fire, such as installing fire-resistant roofing and creating a safety zone around your home, including carefully storing firewood and other flammable objects. But one of the most important steps is removing leaves, pine needles and other flammable material from your home’s foundation. If you live in a wildfire-prone area, the most important yard tool is not necessarily a chainsaw; it’s a rake and a weed-whacker.

3.     Prepare in Advance for Evacuation: Hundreds of homes have already been evacuated early in this season, and it can be a harrowing process. Families can cut down on stress by building an emergency kit and making a family communications plan that ensures the safety of people and essential belongings. If you have neighbors who are elderly or have special needs, consider them in your plans too.

Last year, I requested a scientific study on the 2010 Fourmile Canyon fire in Boulder County. The resulting U.S. Forest Service report lays out the factors that influenced the most expensive fire in Colorado history so that our government agencies and homeowners can better prepare for future fire emergencies. The report contains some valuable advice for Coloradans whose homes are located in areas at high risk for wildfire. Having access to good information is key to being prepared for wildfire. That’s why I am also joining Governor John Hickenlooper, Senator Michael Bennet and Congressman Mike Coffman in calling for an after-action review of the Lower North Fork Fire.

Wildfire season usually starts much later in the year in Colorado, and the dry and gusty conditions that fueled both the Lower North Fork Fire and the Heartstrong fire are warning signs that it may be a very long firefighting season. Please take the time now to get ready, and stay safe this wildfire season.

Best regards,

P.S. If you live in the Wildland Urban Interface, take the Firewise Quiz:

Forest Management Misguided?

In a recent article titled, “Front Range Forest Thinning May be Misguided,” researcher William Baker and Mark Williams of the University of Wyoming indicate that “current efforts to uniformly thin Front Range ponderosa forests and reduce fire intensity may be misguided and may not restore them. Instead, the aggressive management could take even farther from the natural historic range of variability with potential negative consequences for wildlife”.

This is an important addition to the research available regarding the management of our forests; however, the scientific community has already realized that the goals of forest management just for fuels reduction and wildfire protection was not ideal.  Today, the discussions relating to forest management focus on the concept of restoration.  Forest restoration seeks to protect forests by learning from the past, and managing forests for diversity of species, resiliency to disease and insects and fire.

To view the article in the Summit County Citizens voice Click Here.

Watershed Health and Forest Management

U.S. Forest Service and Denver Water Partner for Watershed Health. Please download and read this article written by Kate E. Jerman, a STEP Student in External Affairs for the Rocky Mountain Region of the US Forest Service.

STEP – The Student Temporary Assistance Program provides an opportunity for students to earn money, continue their education, train with professionals, and combine academic study with on-the-job experience.


Meet The BHFI Partners

CUSPlogo                                                  Coalition for the Upper South Platte

usfs-logo.jpg                                                   United States Forest Service  – Pike and San Isabel National Forests

CO-State-Forest-Service-261x300                                                   Colorado State Forest Service


TheNatureConservancy                                                   The Nature Conservancy 


Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 3.09.40 PM                                                   Governor’s Energy Office


Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 3.16.57 PM                                                 Colorado Department of Local Affairs


NRCS                                                Natural Resources Conservation Service


CFRI_logo                                                Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at CSU 


Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 3.37.23 PM                                               Front Range Roundtable