Environmental Education Workshops for Grandparents of Preschoolers

Do you remember playing outside for hours and being captivated by nature as a child?  Would you like to share your enthusiasm for the outdoors with your grandchildren?   

Project Learning Tree is offering workshops throughout the month of September tailored specifically for grandparents interested in learning fun and easy activities for engaging 3-6 year olds in the natural world.  Early childhood is the best time to ignite interest in life-long learning about the environment, and exploring nature is a great way to spend time together.  The 3 hour workshops are hands-on, and participants will take home an activity guide and music CD.  Visit www.coloradoplt.org for details and to register for the workshops.

Sept. 10    The Gardens at Spring Creek, Ft. Collins
Sept. 11    Denver Indian Center
Sept. 12    South Platte Park, Littleton
Sept. 16    The Hope Center, Denver
Sept. 19    Hudson Gardens & Event Center, Littleton
Sept. 22    Lamb Library, Pueblo
Sept. 28    Woodland Park Senior Center, Woodland Park
Sept. 27    Lookout Mt. Nature Center, Golden
Sept. 29    The Delta Center, Delta

Playing with Fire

The Union of Concerned Scientists have released a report outlining the effects of climate change on wildfire costs in the West.

Climate change is producing hotter, drier conditions in the American West, which contribute to more large wildfires and longer wildfire seasons.

The risk to people and their homes is rising as a result, a growing danger made worse by the increasing number of homes and businesses being built in and near wildfire-prone areas. Past fire suppression and forest management practices have also led to a build-up of flammable fuel wood, which increases wildfire risks.

Costs are soaring in response. The expense of fighting wildfires and protecting life and property from harm is nearly four times greater than it was 30 years ago and has exceeded $1 billion every year since 2000 (in 2012 dollars).

Other costs, including the impact on public health, property, ecosystems, and livelihoods, are significant, often far exceeding firefighting costs.

Right now we are failing to effectively manage this mounting risk. We must make better use of our resources to more effectively manage wildfire risks and prepare for the growing consequences of climate change.

Read the entire synopsis and the full report – Playing with Wildfire.

Welcome to the Bailey Healthy Forests Initiative

Welcome to the new site of the Bailey Healthy Forest Initiative (BHFI). This is a partnership project between the United States Forest Service, the Colorado State Forest Service, Park County, the City of  Bailey, the Coalition for the Upper South Platte, the Governor’s Energy Office, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at CSU, the local business community, home owners and home owners’ associations, and others. Our goal is to improve forest health, reduce beetle infestations, and reduce the potential impact of forest fires in and around the Bailey area.
For CHIPPING Info. Please go Here: www.cusp.ws/forest-issues-2/chipper/

Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network

Firefighters can’t always protect every home from wildfire – especially if you haven’t done your part to prepare. You can take important steps around your home to make it safer for you, your family, and your neighbors. Start now by setting an example and helping create Fire Adapted Communities before the next fire approaches!   


Click here to get started on the Fire Adapted Communities path

Mastication, a critical tool

Mastication Machines are used by the U.S. Forest Service in remote locations where access prohibts the removal of products and where the public would have a difficult time accessing the area for firewood.  These large machines chew up small diameter trees and leave the residual wood on site in small chunks.  As the Bailey area is thinned, this tool will continue to provide the opportunity to thin trees behind private lands and in remote locations.

Mastication Machine

Mastication Machine